Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Trendy Tuesday Wedding Overload: Peacock feathers

I love myself a good wedding trend, but sometimes too much of a good thing (or a hipster/ trendy/ ridiculously overdone thing) is just too much. So I thought I put together an inspiration board of peacock feather overkill. Enjoy.

Bridal Canvas, Picture Your Dream Wedding
“as the moon kindles the night
as the wind kindles the fire
as the rain fills every ocean
and the sun the earth
with your heart kindle my heart
take my heart
take my heart
kindle it with your heart
and my heart cannot be
kindled without you
with your heart kindle my heart”
“Throughout our engagement my emotions were really erratic – some days I would be deliciously obsessed with a new detail I’d planned or deal I’d scored and would love planning a wedding – but then some days it felt like work to smile and talk about the same details with every different person I ran into. Occasionally I’d get terribly bored of talking about the wedding, and then I would feel guilty and spoiled for being bored, and then I would panic that I’d regret not appreciating every moment after the wedding. It exhausted me! I cried at my bridal shower and my bachelorette party, and numerous times in my office at work because I just wanted to feel like a non-bride, and have people ask me about my dog or our holiday plans or my empanada recipe, instead of popping their heads in my office to say “Only two month to go!” ” Three weeks to go!” I felt kind of like a failure at being properly psyched – and what did that mean about my relationship, about my femininity, about my ability to appreciate the present while its happening?”


hello! yes. thank you.
There are a total of two images of wedding cakes in my inspiration file. I added one today. Why is this? I originally wanted ice cream. Then my aunt offered to pay for cake. But it never really inspired me. Oh well, we’ll see where it goes from here.

I thought this is what I would look like as a bride. I never expected to go with something longer, strapless, and princessy. I can’t help if it makes me look gorgeous though ;) I still feel pretty evertime I put mine on which is a good thing. Just changed my vision from what I expected/wanted and that has been a bit difficult to come to terms with because all of a sudden my backyard wedding got more formal.


hipsterbride:(via Real Wedding: Megan Ross’ Garden Party Australian Wedding | Green Wedding Shoes Wedding Blog | Wedding Trends for Stylish Creative Brides)
Source: greenweddingshoes.com

I might need this to go above the guestbook table, goes with our typewriter paper scheme. (Not theme, I totally do themes but insist that they are dumb. I just like continuity….)